we use a variety of different methods to create built-up letters using metal or acrylic. Built-up letters are also known as 3D letters. This is due to the way they are made, as it creates a 3D structure.
Back-lit lettering, also known as halo illumination, provides a contrasting effect that makes any lettering stand out. The back-lit built up lettering is usually made up of a solid material. This is to prevent any light passing through, which achieves the back-lit effect. Lettering which is back-lit is usually built up using locators. The locators enable the lettering to sit off the face of your signage. Which also helps to cast the light and create the illumination.
Face lit lettering, as the name would suggest is a method used to solely light up the face of the built-up lettering. We use the combination of Perspex and a solid material to achieve the lit face of the lettering.
Another built up letter option is full face lit. This allows light to pass through the face and return of the built-up letters. The fabrication of full face lit letters means that the whole 3D lettering is illuminated.